
There are many reasons why an assembly might be potted: they range from technical requirements to cosmetic considerations and the fulfilment of marketing goals. Nevertheless, extreme precision is always required to create technologically and optically outstanding products.

With the Ohrmann potting system, you have a versatile complete solution at your disposal: thanks to product-specific tools and individually adjustable parameters, we can find the right solution for every particular product requirement. In this way, we are able to create the necessary flexibility to fully adapt to every customer order.

What’s more, the machine’s default repeatability guarantees the outstanding quality of the potting process.

Reach out to us

Elektronische Komponenten GmbH
Straßburger Ring 10
66482 Zweibrücken

Mail: info@mec-elektronik.de
Phone: +49 (0) 6332 / 99 13 0
Fax: +49 (0) 6332 / 99 13 99